
Continuous integration

The collection is tested with a molecule setup covering the included roles and verifying correct installation and idempotency. In order to run the molecule tests locally with python 3.9 available, after cloning the repository:

pip install yamllint 'molecule[docker]~=3.5.2' ansible-core flake8 ansible-lint voluptuous
molecule test --all

Integration testing

Demo repositories which depend on the collection, and aggregate functionality with other middleware_automation collections, are automatically rebuilt at every collection release to ensure non-breaking changes and consistent behaviour.

The repository are:

  • Flange demo A deployment of Wildfly cluster integrated with keycloak and infinispan.

  • CrossDC keycloak demo A clustered multi-regional installation of keycloak with infinispan remote caches.

Test playbooks

Sample playbooks are provided in the playbooks/ directory; to run the playbooks locally (requires a rhel system with python 3.9+, ansible, and systemd) the steps are as follows:

# setup environment
pip install ansible-core
# clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/ansible-middleware/infinispan
cd infinispan
# install collection dependencies
ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml
# install collection python deps
pip install -r requirements.txt
# create inventory for localhost
cat << EOF > inventory
localhost ansible_connection=local
# run the playbook
ansible-playbook -i inventory playbooks/infinispan.yml